Thursday, 19 January 2012


Sorry I haven't been blogging, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't give a shit anyway! But HEY! I'M BACK.

So Happy New Year guys! 2012..ah....A new year, a new you, a new life. HA! fuck off with all that shit. Why do people even say that? You always say that then end up staying the same miserable cunt for another year! Get a grip please.

Fancy some updates from the 25th November onwards? No? Well you're getting them anyway.

1. In December a large amount of my friends turned 18, which now means I have people to go out with!
2. I experienced my first proper Work Christmas Do. It was pretty wild I must say, no one remembers much. Plenty of alcohol was consumed and not enough pictures were taken. Daymn!
3. I FINALLY LOST MY VIRGINITY. Yes, It's true! It was Awesome. But now I've done it once, I just can't fucking stop. Always horny, so bad...
4. Me and Danielle are going to London in 22 Days! YAY.
5. I had sex in a car.
6. I decided to spend New Years Eve on my own, with a chinese and Harry Potter.
7. I had sex.
8. I found out yesterday that I'm getting a car! NO MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT TO WORK! Obviously all I need to do now is past my tests...

So not a lot has happened, Just occasional interesting things, but guess what? I did have sex!

Nice talking to ya'll!

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